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Defy, cut out word, word art, original gifts, original art, unique gift ideas, unique gifts, carved words, cut words, custom words
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My obsession, or shall I say, my fascination with words began in my first year of recovery. I knew nothing of emotions and spoke words empty of meaning. That period when finding myself seemed oh so impossible without help from my best friend, alcohol. It has been a journey full of hope, courage, serenity, and peace. A journey which has taught me how to laugh, love, and live in a world I find needs more acceptance. Through the wisdom of others, I was able to find strength from within, and to believe in a power greater than myself. "Would Words" are a refection of my journey through self-healing and self-discovery. A journey of discovery one word at a time. So, with much love, I offer you a piece of me, in hopes I may help in your journey. 

Light and love,


Would a simple word change the world


If it changes you, it changes the world

Custom Signs


 Saint Petersburg, FL                  Phone 509-480-0263                               Email:

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